This infographic shows the steps in the National Institutes of Health and National Cancer Institute Grants Process. The graphic shows which steps are done by the Principle Investigator, Grantee Institution, and by NIH. The process is represented by a circular flow of steps. Starting from the top and reading clockwise:
- The Principle Investigator “Initiates Research Idea and Prepares Application”
- The Grantee Institution “Submits Application”
- NIH “NIH Center For Scientific Review, Assigns To NCI And To Study Section”
- NIH “Scientific Review Group (NCI OR CSR) Evaluates for Scientific Merit”
- NIH “National Cancer Advisory Board Recommends Action”
- NIH “NCI Evaluates Program Relevance And Need”
- NIH “NCI Makes Funding Selections And Issues Grant Awards” (NIH)
- NIH “NCI Monitors Programmatic and Business Management Performance of the Grant”
- The Grantee Institution “Manages Funds”
- The Principle Investigator “Conducts Research”
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