Title: Ways to Improve Your Sleep. Morning: 1. Stick to a sleep schedule so you wake up around the same time every day. 2. Limit caffeine intake to mornings and four cups per day. Daytime: 1. Avoid naps longer than one hour and naps close to bedtime. If possible, nap somewhere other than your bed. 2. Move your body or exercise throughout the day. Exercise more than three hours before bed to allow time for your body to wind down. Anytime: 1. Relaxation techniques like yoga and meditation can help you relax. 2. Other soothing activities can include reading or listening to music. 3. Cognitive behavioral therapy can help you develop better sleep habits. Evening: 1. Create a bedtime routine that helps you decompress from your day. 2. Use your bed for sleeping and intimacy only. 3. Avoid heavy meals and fluids near bedtime. 4. Eat a high-protein meal 2 hours before bedtime. Nighttime: 1. Stick to a sleep schedule so you go to bed around the same time every night. 2. Do not use electronic devices 20 to 30 minutes before bed. 3. Practice relaxation techniques before bed like meditation, breathing exercises, and/or massage. 4. Go to bed when you feel sleepy. 5. Have a dark and quiet sleep environment with a comfortable temperature. 6. If you don't fall asleep within 20 minutes, try a relaxing activity or getting out of bed and returning when you feel sleepy.