Infographic title: High-Grade Meningiomas. Section 1: Bar graph. An estimated 3,360 people living with this tumor. 3,340 are adults (age 20+). An estimated 320 people diagnosed per year. 315 are adults. Section 2: All people living with this tumor. “Age group” bar graph: 0-14 years: <16 15-39 years: 200 40-64 years: 1,260 65+ years: 1,880 “Sex” donut chart: Male: 1,390 Female: 1,960 “Race/Ethnicity” packed circles chart: Non-Hispanic American Indian/Alaska Native (NH AIAN): 20 Non-Hispanic Asian/Pacific Islander (NH API): 140 Hispanic: 450 Non-Hispanic White: 2,220 Non-Hispanic Black: 500 Section 3: People icons showing that 5-year survival in adults is 63.5%.