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2014 Social Media Events

Twitter Chat on Precision Medicine in Lung Cancer
November 5, 2014
Dr. Shakun Malik, Head, Thoracic Cancer Therapeutics in the Clinical Investigations Branch of the Cancer Therapy Evaluation program at the National Cancer Institute participated in a Twitter chat about precision medicine in lung cancer, hashtag #LCSM. If you missed the event, you can see our tweets by visiting our Precision Medicine in Lung Cancer Storify page.

Twitter Chat on Childhood Obesity
September 9, 2014
Dr. April Oh, PhD, MPH, Program Director of the Health Communication and Informatics Research Branch (HCIRB), Behavioral Research Program (BRP), of the National Cancer Institute participated in a sun safety Twitter chat, hashtag #ChildhoodObesityChat. If you missed the event, you can see our tweets by visiting our Childhood Obesity chat Storify page.

Twitter Chat on Cancer Pain Management
September 3, 2014
On September 3, 2014, Dr. Ann O'Mara of the National Cancer Institute led a Twitter chat about cancer pain management, hashtag #CancerPain. If you missed the event, you can see our tweets by visiting our Cancer Pain Management chat Storify page.

Twitter Chat on Sun Safety
June 19, 2014
Dr. Frank Perna, Program Director, Health Behaviors Research Branch, Behavioral Research Program, of the National Cancer Institute participated in a sun safety Twitter chat, hashtag #SunHealth. If you missed the event, you can see our tweets by visiting our Sun Safety chat Storify page.

Twitter Chat on Immunotherapy
June 18, 2014
Dr. Steven Rosenberg, Head, Tumor Immunology Section, Branch Chief of the National Cancer Institute participated in an immunotherapy Twitter chat, hashtag #CIMChat. If you missed the event, you can see our tweets by visiting our Immunotherapy chat Storify page.
