Explore Research Programs

Using a collaborative team science approach, the Center for Cancer Genomics engages in three complementary subdisciplines within cancer genomics: genome sequencing, functional genomics, and computational genomics.
CCG Data and Resources

An overarching goal of the Center for Cancer Genomics is to create genomics resources for the research community, and a key resource is our data.
Research Areas
Cancer Genome Sequencing
Cancer genome sequencing identifies alterations in cancer that contribute to cancer growth, metastasis, and recurrence.
Functional Genomics
Functional genomics studies the role of particular genes and pathways in the development and progression of cancer and develops therapeutic strategies to target them.
Computational Genomics
Computational genomics uses statistical and computational approaches to derive insight from big data on cancer.
News & Events
Charting Out New Mysteries for Small Cell Lung Cancer
HTAN researchers discuss their single-cell atlas of small cell lung cancer.
ecDNAs are Extra Active and Terrifying
Extrachromosomal DNA (ecDNA) are emerging as oncogenic elements in cancer genomes.
A Tribute to Daniela Gerhard
Daniela Gerhard was known for her robust work ethic and love for science, but she also cared deeply for colleagues and cancer patients.

Personal Genomics Podcast
Listen to firsthand stories about what it’s like to work in one of the most complex areas of cancer research.
View Episodes
A Data Sharing Platform to Promote Precision Oncology: The Genomic Data Commons