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Redox Biology

Recent advances in the biochemistry of redox-active species and radicals are beginning to be translated into improvements in prevention and treatment of cancer. Traditionally, these reactive species such as superoxide, hydrogen peroxide and nitric oxide (NO) are toxic; however, NO is useful in the treatment of angina and cardiovascular disease. Also, NO is involved in cancer tumor angiogenesis and apoptosis of cancer cells.  The Redox Biology course will overview how redox-active species and radicals are generated, their effects on the cellular and physiological level, and how they alter carcinogenesis, angiogenesis and proliferation in animal models of cancer. NO alters patient imaging profiles and response to cancer therapy.

This course is designed to provide an overview of the general principles of NO biochemistry, cell biology, signal transduction, physiology, carcinogenesis, chemoprevention, angiogenesis, therapy, immunology and epidemiology. The participation of NIH postdoctoral and clinical fellows interested in redox biology is encouraged.  

There is no registration fee for this course.


Participants who register for this course will receive a certificate of completion after attending the lectures and completing an online final examination.

  • Final Exam
  • Course Evaluation


The Redox Biology course is usually held on Tuesday afternoons (4:00 – 6:00 PM) on the Bethesda Campus (Bldg. 50, Rooms 1227/1233). This course is also videocast to NCI-Frederick (Bldg. 549, Room A).

The course consists of two 1-hour lectures.  Each session will have a 50-minute lecture with ample time for discussion and analysis. A handout for each lecture will be distributed on site.

Redox Biology Course Schedule
Date 4PM Lecture 5PM Lecture
Sept. 27 Introduction Redox Chemistry
Oct. 4 Signal Transduction Angiogenesis
Oct. 11 RB Biochemistry Epidemiology
Oct. 18 Inflammation and Cancer NADPH Oxidases
Oct. 25 Redox Enzymes Redox Physiology
Nov. 1 Redox Immunology NO and HNO
Nov. 8 Redox Imaging To Be Announced

Additional Information

Contact Dr. Terry Moody at or by phone at 240.276.7785.

Faculty Coordinators

  • David Wink, Ph.D.
  • Terry Moody, Ph.D.
  • Jonathan Wiest, Ph.D.


  • Stefan Ambs, Ph.D.
  • Debashree Basudhar, Ph.D.
  • Perwez Hussain, Ph.D.
  • Murali Krishna, Ph.D.
  • Thomas Leto, Ph.D.
  • Daniel McVicar, Ph.D.
  • Terry Moody, Ph.D.
  • Pal Pacher, M.D., Ph.D.
  • Lisa Ridnour, Ph.D.
  • David Roberts, Ph.D.
  • David Wink Ph.D.

Related Training Opportunities

This course is part of an ongoing training curriculum for NCI clinical and postdoctoral fellows. Each fall CCT offers the Translational Research in Clinical Oncology (TRACO) course, hosted by Dr. Terry Moody.

Another course, Demystifying Medicine is held each spring. This course provides 2 hours of lecture each week (January – May) and is hosted by Dr. Irvin M. Arias. To learn about additional training opportunities at NIH, visit

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