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The Center to Reduce Cancer Health Disparities Becomes the Center for Cancer Health Equity

, by CCHE Staff

Center for Cancer Health Equity

It is with great excitement that we announce the reorganization and renaming of the Center to Reduce Cancer Health Disparities to the Center for Cancer Health Equity.

You will appreciate that, since we were established as the Center to Reduce Cancer Health Disparities in 2001, we gave tremendous thought and deliberated a great deal about these changes. We are happy to share a few of the guiding factors that led to our becoming the Center for Cancer Health Equity (CCHE).

First, the name change and reorganization more accurately reflect who we as a Center have become over the last 23 years. Since its inception, the Center has been advancing cancer disparities research. We added the mission of leading NCI’s diversity training efforts in 2007 and have implemented the Continuing Umbrella of Research Experiences (CURE) and Intramural Continuing Umbrella of Research Experiences (iCURE) programs. In recent years, we have spearheaded workforce diversity efforts such as the Early Investigator Advancement Program and Cancer Moonshot Scholars. For much of our history, we have supported community-focused programs, from the Community Network Programs to the National Outreach Network and Connecting Underrepresented Populations to Clinical Trials, to name a few. The flagship Partnerships to Advance Cancer Health Equity (PACHE) program has worked across cancer disparities research, education, training, and outreach for more than two decades. These developments demonstrate a history of evolving to meet the needs of communities, and our new name better captures the entirety of these efforts.

In addition, the name represents the lens through which we view our work. The name “Center for Cancer Health Equity” conveys that the Center’s efforts are not only to shine a light on disparities but, rather, are geared toward leveling these disparities while simultaneously achieving health equity through many diverse approaches.

Finally, the Center serves as the national leader of cancer disparities research. This is a role we welcome, embrace, and take seriously. As the community has gravitated toward this terminology, it is our belief that the Center needs to lead the way in moving toward what is an all-encompassing, forward-focused, and positive pursuit in health equity.

Mission and Organization

It is important to note that this is not an overhaul of the Center’s mission or focus. The CCHE mission, which aligns with the National Cancer Plan, is as follows:

CCHE strives to achieve health equity by working toward eliminating health disparities, advancing inclusive research across basic, clinical, translational, and population-based studies, promoting a diverse workforce, and enhancing community engagement.

Organizationally, we are now anchored by four branches, all working in unison to advance their respective fields toward cancer health equity:

  • Community Outreach, Research, and Engagement Branch
    Branch Director Dr. LeeAnn Bailey
  • Disparities Research Branch
    Branch Director Dr. Tiffany Wallace
  • Diversity Training and Biomedical Workforce Development Branch
    Branch Director Dr. Behrous Davani
  • Innovative Programs Branch
    Interim Acting Branch Director Dr. Jessica Calzola

These branches are buoyed by the support provided by our Administrative, Budget, Communications, and Evaluation Cores, which work to meet the Center’s ever-evolving needs and priorities.

Reflecting Back and Looking Ahead

I want to recognize the many past Center staff and leaders for their countless years of commitment and service to the Center. We would not be here without them.

I also want to thank the CCHE team, who contributed potential new names, shared their perspectives on the focus areas of the Center and branches, and more throughout this process. Finally, I would like to express my thanks to NCI and NIH leadership for their guidance and support throughout this process.

We look forward to continuing to collaborate with our colleagues across NCI and many of you in the extramural community. By increasing workforce diversity and development, advancing research, and promoting community outreach and education, we will collectively make a greater impact on health equity.


Sanya A. Springfield, Ph.D.
Director, Center for Cancer Health Equity
National Cancer Institute

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