NCI Organization
As the nation's leading federal agency for cancer research, NCI has 30 divisions, offices, and centers who work together to build, maintain, and enhance a cohesive and comprehensive cancer research agenda. Their work ranges from cutting-edge research on cancer causes, treatment, and prevention; to training the next generation of cancer researchers; to funding and supporting the nation's vast network of scientists and cancer research institutions; to informing and educating the American public and the world about cancer. The NIH Office of Management Assessment maintains the official NCI organization chart.
Intramural Divisions
Center for Cancer Research
CCR houses a community of intramural basic researchers, clinicians, and translational scientists who integrate basic and clinical research discovery to develop novel therapeutic interventions for cancer and HIV patients.
Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics
DCEG is a world leader in cancer epidemiology and genetics research, dedicated to training the next generation of scientists.
Extramural Divisions
Division of Cancer Biology
Provides funding for basic research in cancer biology, which leads to better ways to study, prevent, and treat the disease.
Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences
DCCPS conducts and supports an integrated program of genetic, epidemiological, behavioral, social, applied, and surveillance cancer research to reduce risk, incidence, and deaths from cancer as well as enhance the quality of life for cancer survivors.
Division of Cancer Prevention
DCP conducts and supports research to find ways to prevent and detect cancer, and to prevent or relieve symptoms from cancer and its treatments.
Extramural Divisions
Division of Cancer Treatment and Diagnosis
DCTD supports the translation of promising research into clinical applications to improve the diagnosis and treatment of cancer in areas of unmet need that are often too risky or difficult for industry or academia to develop alone.
Division of Extramural Activities
DEA coordinates the scientific review of extramural research before funding and provides systematic surveillance of that research after awards are made to assist the NCI in achieving its goal of a balanced research portfolio.
NCI Office of the Director
Center for Biomedical Informatics and Information Technology
Collaborates across NCI to plan, provide, and coordinate technology, standards, and scientific computing in support of the NCI mission to speed discovery, facilitate open science, and progress towards precision treatment in cancer care and a learning healthcare system.
Center for Cancer Genomics
Unifies NCI's activities in cancer genomics by aiming to synthesize research in different fields of cancer genomics – structural, functional, and computational – to improve patient outcomes.
Center for Cancer Health Equity
The Center for Cancer Health Equity (CCHE) strives to achieve health equity by working towards eliminating health disparities, advancing inclusive research across basic, clinical, translational, and population-based studies, promoting a diverse workforce.
Center for Cancer Training
CCT supports NCI's goal of training cancer researchers for the 21st century.
Center for External Affairs
CEA delivers timely and accessible public information about cancer and scientific advances achieved through cancer research.
Center for Global Health
CGH coordinates research and works with partners worldwide to address the global burden of cancer.
Center for Research Strategy
The NCI Center for Research Strategy (CRS) is a strategic science planning and analysis office that serves the NCI Director and supports NCI priorities.
Center for Strategic Scientific Initiatives
CSSI develops and coordinates cancer research grant programs, events, and resources.
Coordinating Center for Clinical Trials
Coordinates the integration of NCI's clinical and associated translational research programs.
Ethics Office
Manages all aspects of a comprehensive ethics program to ensure employees and others working with NCI comply with ethics policies.
Office of Workforce Strategy and Effectiveness
The Office of Management is responsible for administrative and financial functions of the National Cancer Institute.
Office of Acquisitions
OA negotiates, awards, and administers contracts and simplified acquisitions in support of NCI’s mission to prevent, diagnose, and treat cancer.
Office of Advocacy Relations
OAR brings the cancer advocacy and NCI communities together to help identify research opportunities that speed advances and improve patient outcomes.
Office of Budget and Finance
OBF advises the NCI Office of the Director and other senior staff on the management of financial and personnel resources to ensure fiscally responsible and efficient operation of the Institute.
Office of Cancer Centers
Supports 72 NCI-designated cancer centers nationwide that are actively engaged in trans-disciplinary research to reduce cancer incidence, morbidity, and mortality.
Office of Communications and Public Liaison
Information about NCI's Office of Communications and Public Liaison (OCPL).
Office of Grants Administration
OGA manages the business aspect of more than $3 billion in grant awards annually.
Office of Government and Congressional Relations
The Office of Government and Congressional Relations (OGCR) advises the NCI Director, staff, and advisory boards on legislative and Congressional activities as they relate to the NCI mission.
Office of HIV and AIDS Malignancy
OHAM conducts HIV and AIDS-associated research and coordinates related research activities across NCI.
Office of Management
The Office of Management is responsible for administrative and financial functions of the National Cancer Institute.
Office of Scientific Operations, NCI Frederick
Learn more about NCI Frederick and the Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research.
SBIR Development Center
NCI SBIR Development Center provides funding and commercialization resources for small businesses developing innovative cancer technologies.
Technology Transfer Center
NCI's Technology Transfer Center connects research laboratories with external partners to advance public health. Learn how to collaborate with and license technologies from NCI and the NIH.