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Disparities Research Branch (DRB)

Cultivating Change to Foster Health Equity

Health equity is an aspirational goal, whereby all people experience similar health outcomes regardless of race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, education, neighborhood, or other disadvantaging social and structural determinants of health. DRB seeks to promote this goal through the development and implementation of research initiatives designed to address cancer disparities.


The causes of health disparities are multifactorial, interrelated, and complex. As a result, DRB collaborates across the NCI to support research initiatives for disparities research that span numerous disciplines. Current priority areas include:

  • The biological consequences of structural racism and social determinants of health in cancer.
  • Multidisciplinary team science to better embrace and understand the complexity surrounding the causes and effects of health disparities.
  • Environmental justice, including a focus on climate change and cancer.


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