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CCHE Funding for Research and Training

CCHE provides extramural grants to researchers and institutions conducting research on cancer and cancer health disparities. CCHE is also committed to the training and development of a diverse cancer research workforce and offers funding support for several diversity training and career development opportunities to underrepresented students and researchers.

Funding Opportunities for Cancer and Cancer Health Disparities Research

CCHE provides extramural grants to researchers conducting basic and translational cancer research. Please see the Basic and Translational Disparities Research Funding page for additional information, deadlines and CCHE contacts.

  • Exploratory/Developmental Grants Program for Basic Cancer Research in Cancer Health Disparities (R01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
  • Exploratory/Developmental Grants Program for Basic Cancer Research in Cancer Health Disparities (R21 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
  • Basic Research in Cancer Health Disparities (R03 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
  • Exploratory Grant Award to Promote Workforce Diversity in Basic Cancer Research (R21 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
  • Minority Patient-Derived Xenograft (PDX) Development and Trial Centers Network (M-PDTCs) (U54)
  • Feasibility and Planning Studies for Development of Specialized Programs of Research Excellence (SPOREs) to Investigate Cancer Health Disparities (P20)

CURE Individual Funding Opportunities by Career Stage

CCHE offers a continuum of extramural funding opportunities for training and career development. Please see Continuing Umbrella of Research Experiences (CURE) for additional information, deadlines and CCHE contacts, or learn about other cancer training opportunities at NCI.

High School & Undergraduate

  • Diversity Research Supplements (PA-21-071)


  • Diversity Research Supplements (PA-21-071)
  • National Research Service Awards (NRSA F31) (PA-21-052)



Institutional Funding Opportunities

CCHE offers the following funding opportunities to institutions for the support of diversity training, cancer and cancer health disparities research, and community education and outreach. Please see the Partnerships to Advance Cancer Health Equity (PACHE), CURE and Community Outreach, Research, and Engagement Branch (CORE) pages for additional information, deadlines and CCHE contacts.

Additional Opportunities

CCHE periodically provides opportunities in support of cancer research training and reducing cancer health disparities related to specific cancers and/or populations. Please see the opportunity for additional information, application deadlines, and NCI Program Director contact information.

  • Intramural Continuing Umbrella of Research Experiences (iCURE)
    Attracts students and scientists into the multidisciplinary environment of the NCI Intramural Research Program (IRP) and supports their mentored experiences. iCURE particularly encourages the participation of individuals from underrepresented populations.
  • Early Investigator Advancement Program (EIAP)
    With the support of its Equity Council, the NCI launched EIAP to facilitate the advancement of scientists from diverse backgrounds to become independent investigators. Each year, EIAP will support the professional and career development of a cohort of eligible and qualified Early Stage Investigators and New Investigators.
  • Administrative Supplements to Support Cancer Disparity Collaborative Research (PAR-22-114)
    Promotes new cancer disparities research among investigators who do not normally conduct it and to encourage the partnership of experienced cancer research investigators with cancer disparities-focused researchers. The research work proposed should be within the scope of the parent award and should expand the original aims to include a cancer disparity component. Learn more.
  • Notice of Special Interest in Research on the Health of Sexual and Gender Minority (SGM) Populations (NOT-MD-19-001)
    Encourages research that describes the biological, clinical, behavioral and social processes that affect the health and development of SGM populations and individuals and their families, and that leads to the development of acceptable and appropriate health interventions and health service delivery methods that will enhance health and development of these populations.
  • Research on the Health of Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Populations (R21, R01)
    Supports exploratory or developmental research addressing the medical, sociological, psychological and structural causes and consequences of transgender and gender nonconforming identities.
  • Transformative Educational Advancement and Mentoring Network (TEAM)
    The overarching goal of the TEAM program is to pilot test the use of Training Champions (TCs) at Minority-Serving Institutions (MSIs) to provide education and career development navigation for underrepresented scholars, as defined in Notice of NIH's Interest in Diversity, NOT-OD-20-031. TEAM will benefit NCI programs by increasing the pool of talented, well-prepared underrepresented researchers. 

See our fact sheets for additional information about CCHE programs, initiatives and funding opportunities.

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