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NCI Bottom Line: A Blog about Grants and More

This grantee-focused blog covers the latest on NCI’s fiscal landscape, funding decisions, grants policy news, processes, and more.

    • A Commitment to Early-Stage Investigators and Community Engagement
      , by Dr. Diane Palmieri, Director, Center for Research Strategy

      NCI’s Fiscal Year 2026 Annual Plan and Budget Proposal highlights how increasing the funding for the cancer research enterprise will allow us to tackle the opportunities before us and help all people live longer, healthier lives. In this blog, Dr. Diane Palmieri highlights NCI’s commitment to early-stage investigators and the importance of engaging every person to end cancer as we know it.

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    • NCI’s Commitment to Advancing Cancer Training
      , by Dr. Oliver Bogler, Director, NCI Center for Cancer Training

      In this edition of the Bottom Line blog, NCI Center for Cancer Training Director Dr. Oliver Bogler discusses recent trends in funding for NCI's training portfolio, highlights enhancements to the Pathway to Independence Award, and introduces a new career development award for clinical scientists.

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    • Fiscal Year 2024 Appropriation Brings Clarity and Difficult Choices
      , by NCI Director Dr. W. Kimryn Rathmell

      In this edition of the Bottom Line blog, NCI Director Dr. W. Kimryn Rathmell discusses NCI’s fiscal year 2024 appropriation from Congress, which increases the base budget, but also reflects the end of dedicated funding for the Cancer Moonshot. The budget allows NCI to prioritize funding for new grants—particularly to early-stage investigators, training mechanisms, and Cancer Centers—while limiting the impact on continuing grants.

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    • A Brief Message for Bottom Line Readers, from NCI Director Dr. Rathmell
      , by NCI Director, Dr. W. Kimryn Rathmell

      In this edition of the Bottom Line blog, NCI Director Dr. W. Kimryn Rathmell describes her commitment to fostering open communication with the cancer community and shares information about a live social media event on February 22, 2024, at 11:30 a.m. ET.

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    • NCI's Fiscal Year 2024 Budget Challenges and Interim Paylines Explained
      , by NCI Acting Director, Dr. Douglas R. Lowy

      NCI faces significant challenges while operating under a continuing resolution for fiscal year 2024. In this edition of the Bottom Line, NCI Acting Director Dr. Lowy highlights the impact of this “flat” budget on NCI’s ability to support cancer research and shares fiscal year 2024 interim paylines for competing grants.

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    • Leading Progress against Cancer: NCI’s Fiscal Year 2025 Professional Judgment Budget Proposal
      , by Director, Center for Research Strategy, Dr. Diane Palmieri

      The National Cancer Institute Fiscal Year 2025 Professional Judgment Budget Proposal highlights how, with optimal funding, NCI will support cancer research, train future cancer researchers, and expand and maintain research infrastructure to achieve the goal of ending cancer as we know it for all. In this edition, Dr. Diane Palmieri discusses NCI’s proposal to increase funding to support more meritorious cancer research and spotlights one of the five scientific opportunities, the Cancer Research Data Ecosystem, where increased funding will spur advances.

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    • Resources from the Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research
      , by NCI Director Dr. Monica Bertagnolli

      In this edition of the NCI Bottom Line blog, Dr. Bertagnolli highlights resources available to researchers from the Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research (FNLCR). From cryo-electron microscopy to the RAS Initiative, FNLCR offers a variety of tools for the scientific community to propel research progress and enable breakthroughs.

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    • NCI’s Sustained Funding and Engagement for Mentored Cancer Researchers
      , by Dr. Oliver Bogler

      NCI remains strongly committed to developing the cancer research workforce. In this edition of the NCI Bottom Line blog, Dr. Bogler discusses trends in funding for cancer training and highlights two new resources from the Center for Cancer Training to help the research community stay informed and engaged.

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    • NCI Encourages More Collaborative Research to Accelerate Cancer Science
      , by Drs. Phil Castle, Jim Doroshow, Dan Gallahan, Katrina Goddard, and Toby Hecht

      In this edition of the NCI Bottom Line blog, NCI leaders encourage diverse teams of researchers collaborating around a unifying scientific goal to consider applying for a program project grant (P01). P01 grants involve the type of broad, multidisciplinary collaboration likely to yield meaningful results for cancer science and patients.

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    • Cancer Grand Challenges Invites Global Teams to Submit Research Proposals
      , by Dr. Douglas R. Lowy and Dr. Dinah S. Singer, NCI Deputy Directors

      In this edition of the NCI Bottom Line blog, NCI Deputy Directors Drs. Lowy and Singer discuss the new round of nine research challenges from the Cancer Grand Challenges program. Cancer Grand Challenges aims to inspire bold new ideas that offer the greatest potential to advance cancer research and improve outcomes for people affected by cancer. In 2024, up to four interdisciplinary teams will each receive about $25 million across five years to conduct their research.

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    • NCI Funds More Research Grants Thanks to Action by Congress
      , by NCI Director Dr. Monica Bertagnolli

      In this edition of the Bottom Line blog, NCI Director Dr. Monica Bertagnolli explains how generous support from Congress will allow NCI to award more compelling cancer research and to increase paylines for R01s and early-stage investigator (ESI) grants. In fiscal year 2023, NCI expects to issue more than 100 additional R01 and ESI awards than last year.

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    • Funding Cancer Research Under an Interim Budget
      , by NCI Associate Director for Finance and Legislation Patrick McGarey

      NCI’s Associate Director for Finance and Legislation, Patrick McGarey, highlights what the Continuing Resolution for FY 2023 means for NCI’s interim paylines. This blog post describes NCI’s provisional funding policies for both competing and noncompeting grants.

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    • A Bold Request for Cancer Research: NCI’s Fiscal Year 2024 Annual Plan and Budget Proposal
      , by NCI Acting Director, Center for Research Strategy, Dr. Diane Palmieri

      The cancer research community has made amazing strides to help people live longer, healthier lives. NCI’s Annual Plan and Budget Proposal for Fiscal Year 2024 highlights how we will make further progress and achieve the goal of ending cancer as we know it today, for all. In this edition of the Bottom Line blog, Dr. Diane Palmieri, acting director of NCI’s Center for Research Strategy, spotlights one of the four scientific opportunities in the annual plan and discusses NCI’s goal to increase the R01 payline to support more meritorious cancer research.

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    • Cancer Moonshot Scholars: Tapping a Deep Pool of Talent
      , by NCI Acting Director Dr. Douglas R. Lowy and CRCHD Director Dr. Sanya A. Springfield

      While NCI has long been committed to workforce diversity, there remains a disproportionate gap in R01 grants received by individuals from underrepresented groups. The new Cancer Moonshot Scholars program aims to help close this gap. In this edition of the NCI Bottom Line blog, Drs. Lowy and Springfield provide details on this innovative program and encourage eligible Early-Stage Investigators to apply to become a scholar.

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    • Raising the R01 Payline and Funding Other NCI Priorities
      , by NCI Acting Director Dr. Douglas R. Lowy and NCI Associate Director for Finance and Legislation Patrick McGarey

      In this edition of the NCI Bottom Line, NCI Acting Director Dr. Lowy and NCI Associate Director for Finance and Legislation Patrick McGarey explain why raising the R01 payline to the 15th percentile by fiscal year 2025 and supporting more R01 grant awards is a top priority for NCI. They also explain why allocating funds for this priority must be balanced with maintaining other critical NCI programs extramural scientists rely on to support their research.

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    • Budget Increase Funds a Growing NCI Grants Portfolio
      , by NCI Director Dr. Norman E. Sharpless

      With a final budget for fiscal year 2022, NCI is no longer operating under an interim budget and has updated its grants paylines accordingly. While the appropriation bill contained a generous $353 million budget increase for NCI, this blog from the NCI Director expands on why raising paylines in recent years poses difficult financial challenges.

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    • Reducing Administrative Burdens on Cancer Researchers
      , by NCI Director Dr. Norman E. Sharpless

      Securing and maintaining a grant from NCI requires cancer researchers to prepare the initial application and comply with additional requirements during the life of the grant, which is demanding and time-consuming. In this edition of the NCI Bottom Line blog, NCI Director Dr. Ned Sharpless describes several NCI efforts to reduce administrative burdens on grantees and shares helpful resources for the community.

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    • NIH FIRST: Strengthening Inclusive Excellence in Biomedical Research
      , by Dr. Norman E. Sharpless and Dr. Eliseo Pérez-Stable

      Even with participation of historically underrepresented groups in biomedical research training increasing, members of these groups are still less likely to be hired and become independently funded faculty researchers. To strengthen inclusive excellence in biomedical research, the NIH FIRST program is working to recruit diverse cohorts and build a research culture in which faculty can thrive. For this edition of the NCI Bottom Line blog, NIH institute Directors’ Dr. Sharpless and Dr. Pérez-Stable discuss the impact of administering the FIRST Faculty Cohort and FIRST Coordination and Evaluation Center awards on behalf of NIH.

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    • Modular versus Non-Modular Budgets: What's the Bottom Line?
      , by Dr. Norman E. Sharpless

      In this edition of the NCI Bottom Line, NCI Director Dr. Ned Sharpless breaks down some commonly asked questions from investigators about using the modular budget option with R01 grant applications. Dr. Sharpless addresses these questions using an analysis conducted by the NCI's Center for Research Strategy about modular versus non-modular budgets.

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    • Familiar Fiscal Challenges for NCI
      , by NCI Director Dr. Norman E. Sharpless

      On the heels of Congress extending the Continuing Resolution for FY 2022, the NCI Director addresses what short-term funding means for NCI’s grantee community. As in years past, Dr. Sharpless highlights the Institute’s interim payline policies for both competing and noncompeting grants.

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