Clinical Trials Information for Patients and Caregivers
Explore the basics of clinical trials, including what they are, how they work, and what to expect.
Why Participate in a Clinical Trial?
Learn about the possible risks and benefits of joining a clinical trial and questions to ask about trials.
Are Clinical Trials Safe?
Learn about informed consent, institutional review boards, and how trials are closely monitored to protect you.
Find Clinical Trials
Find an NCI-supported clinical trial—and learn how to locate other research studies—that may be right for you or a loved one.
How Do Clinical Trials Work?
Learn about who is eligible to join, how trials are designed, and the responsibilities of research team members.
Who Pays for Clinical Trials?
Learn about the types of costs related to participating in a clinical trial, who is expected to pay for which costs, and tips for working with insurance companies.
What Are Clinical Trials?
Learn about the purpose and importance of clinical trials, including the different types of clinical trials used in cancer research.