The NCI K99/R00 - Pathway to Independence Award
Frequently Asked Questions
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Important: NCI no longer participates in the NIH Parent K99/R00 program announcements (PA-24-193, PA-24-194, PA-24-195 and subsequent reissues). All NCI K99/R00 applications must be submitted in response to PAR-25-135 and PAR-25-313)
The NCI Pathway to Independence Award (K99/R00) helps outstanding postdoctoral researchers complete needed mentored training and transition in a timely manner to independent, tenure-track or equivalent faculty positions.
NCI accepts K99/R00 applications in all areas of cancer research.
Note: The details on this page are for informational purposes only. Please read and follow all requirements and instructions in the notice of funding opportunity (NOFO) and the Table of IC-Specific Information linked therein before applying for an award. Application review information is described in the funding opportunity. If you have any questions before submitting your application, please contact the relevant NCI program staff listed at the end of this page.
General Award Information
Reference the Program Announcements PAR-25-135 (NCI Pathway to Independence Award (K99/R00 – Clinical Trial Not Allowed) and PAR-25-313 (NCI Pathway to Independence Award (K99/R00 – Clinical Trial Required).
NCI-specific guidance on overlap between K99/R00 applications and the mentor’s pending/active grants: The K99/R00 award is intended to foster the development of a creative, independent research scientist who can establish and sustain a strong, independent research program. It is expected that the Research Plan be based on the candidate’s original ideas and/or hypotheses. The K99 project can be within the overall scope of the mentor’s research awards. However, there should be no text duplication or duplication of the scientific aims, and the candidate’s application should propose a scientific research question that is distinct from the mentor’s pending or active research grants.
NCI will not support both a K99/R00 award and an active or pending research grant that propose substantially the same research.
Temporary Extension of Eligibility for the NCI K99/R00 Pathway to Independence Award due to the COVID-19 Pandemic: Under normal circumstances, individuals must have no more than six years (i.e., 72 months) of postdoctoral research experience to be eligible to apply for a K99/R00 Pathway to Independence award. However, due to the disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, NCI will be providing a two-receipt cycle extension (roughly eight additional months) for prospective candidates who started their postdoctoral training by the end of 2020.
For eligible applicants submitting new or resubmission applications, the two-receipt cycle extension will be automatically accepted by NCI; no additional documentation is required prior to application submission. Individuals who have previously received the 2-cycle automatic COVID-based eligibility extension for K99 submission are not eligible for an additional extension. Furthermore, multiple extensions for events occurring during the same time period (e.g., childbirth during the COVID pandemic) will not be permitted, but rather prospective K99 candidates may only receive an extension for one category for events that occurred within overlapping time periods.
In addition, prospective K99 applicants whose research training has been significantly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic are advised to submit a request to extend their ESI status.
Extension of Eligibility for the NCI K99/R00 Pathway to Independence Award due to Childbirth: NOT-OD-20-011
Eligible K99/R00 applicants should submit a request for a 1-year extension of the K99/R00 eligibility window for childbirth to the relevant NCI program official. The request must include the child’s date of birth.
Are men, those who have adopted children, and same-sex partners of individuals giving birth eligible for the automatic one-year extension for childbirth? The one-year extension will automatically apply to women giving birth. Men, those adopting children, as well as same-sex partners of individuals giving birth can apply for an extension to the relevant NCI program official.
Does the automatic extension of 12 months for childbirth apply for each childbirth or in total? For the K99 extension process, the automatic 12-month extension for childbirth is in total. However, if there are other extenuating circumstances (i.e., illness, military service, natural disaster) that necessitate a longer extension, those should be submitted to the relevant NCI program official. Each request is reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
Additional Information: OER K99/R00 extension guidance
Applicant Eligibility
Citizens, Foreign Nationals, and U.S. Visa Holders |
Geographic Location | K99/R00 recipients must reside in and work at U.S.-based institutions for the duration of the award. |
Career Stage |
Postdoctoral and Clinical Fellows
Commitment | Candidate must commit a minimum of 9 calendar months (75%) full-time professional effort to the K99/R00 Career Development Award |
Duration of Award |
R00 Criteria
Citizens, Foreign Nationals, and U.S. Visa Holders | For the R00 phase of the award, the U.S institution at which the R00 phase of the award will be conducted is responsible for determining and documenting, in the R00 application, that the PD/PI's visa will allow the PD/PI to remain in the U.S. for the duration of the R00 Award. |
Geographic Location | R00 recipients must reside in and work at U.S. based institutions for the duration of the award. |
Career Stage | Tenure-track full-time assistant professor position (or equivalent) offered and accepted |
Institutional Commitment |
Duration of Award | R00 phase: Up to 3 years |
Transition Application |
The independent phase institution should submit an application on behalf of the candidate for the R00 Award using the PHS 398 Application no later than 2 months prior to the proposed activation date of the R00 Award.
Human Subjects If the proposed research involves human subjects, provide:
Vertebrate Animals If the proposed research involves vertebrate animals, provide:
Application Due Date | At least 2 months prior to the proposed activation date of the R00 Award |
Financial Support
K99 Phase | |
Salary Support** | Up to $100K/year + fringe benefits |
Research Development Support: Research and Career Development Activities | Up to $30K/year |
F&A Costs/Indirect Costs | 8% |
Ancillary Personnel Support: Salary for Mentors, Secretarial and Administrative Assistance, etc. | Not allowed |
R00 Phase | |
Salary Research Development Support: Research and Career Development Activities F&A/ Indirect Costs | Up to $249K/year |
Ancillary Personnel Support: Salary for Mentors, Secretarial and Administrative Assistance, etc. | Not allowed |
Salary for Postdoctoral, Technician, Lab Manager Support | Allowed |
** The requested salary must be consistent with a) the established salary structure at the institution and b) with salaries actually provided by the institution from its own funds to other staff members with equivalent qualifications, rank, and responsibilities in the department concerned.
How to Apply
- Applications must be submitted electronically.
- Applicants must follow the instructions in the SF424 (R&R) Application Guide, as well as any program-specific instructions in section IV of the Program Announcement.
- When the program-specific instructions deviate from those in the Application Guide, follow the program-specific instructions.
- Applications that do not comply with these instructions may be delayed or not accepted for review.
For assistance with application submission, please see the Frequently Asked Questions and/or contact eRA Commons Help Desk/ contact Center.
Applications are due by 5pm local time.
When a standard submission date falls on a weekend or Federal Holiday, the application deadline is automaticaly extended to the next business day.
Review and Selection Process
Subcommittee I, convened by the Division of Extramural Activities of the NCI, will determine if it meets the broad needs of the program and priorities of NCI and the National Cancer Program.
For review criteria for the K99 grant mechanism, see Section V. Application Review Information of the Program Announcement.
R00 Activation
Transition from the mentored phase (K99) to the independent phase (R00) is not automatic. In order to activate the R00 phase, K99 PD(s)/PI(s) must have been offered and accepted a tenure-track, full-time assistant professor position (or equivalent) at an eligible domestic institution with the appropriate infrastructure to support the proposed research program and a history of external research funding. Further details on R00 activation for those who have active NCI K99 awards can be found in the instructions for the R00 application.
NCI Special Notes
Data Sharing
Under the NIH Data Sharing Policy, grantees are expected to engage in a timely release of final data sets that have been generated with NIH support for use by other researchers, provide a Data Sharing Plan that will achieve this objective, OR state why data sharing is not possible or appropriate.
- PAR-25-135 (NCI Pathway to Independence Award (K99/R00 – Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
- PAR-25-313 (NCI Pathway to Independence Award (K99/R00 – Clinical Trial Required)
- Overview: Applying for NCI Career Development Award (K) Funding Opportunities Exit Disclaimer
- Current List of K99/R00 Awards
- Link to Main Peer Review Group NCI-I
- K99/R00 FAQ
- Overview of the Grant Process
- NCI Resources for Researchers
- NIH Grants Policy Statement (GPS)- see section 12
NCI Staff Contacts
For additional information regarding policies and/or guidance in preparing an application for the K99/R00 Award, contact:
- Dr. Michael Schmidt
Program Director (PI last name beginning with A-M)
Email: - Dr. Sonia B. Jakowlew
Program Director (PI last name beginning with N-S)
Email: - Dr. Corinne Boulanger-Espeut
Program Director (PI last name beginning with T-Z)
For information regarding fiscal and/or budget issues, contact:
Sean Hine
Grant Management Contact
For information regarding referral and review issues, contact:
- Referral Officer
Division of Extramural Activities
Phone: 240-276-6390
Fax: 240-276-7682