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Blogs and Newsletters


Some NCI divisions, offices, and centers use blogs to provide research and program updates.

  • Cancer Currents: An NCI Cancer Research Blog
    NCI's enterprise blog featuring news and research updates.
  • Cancer Prevention Science
    A blog from NCI's Division of Cancer Prevention.
  • Cancer Data Science Pulse
    A blog hosted by the Center for Biomedical Informatics and Information Technology that provides insights on trends, policies, initiatives, and innovation in the data science and cancer research communities.
  • Center for Cancer Genomics Updates & Insights
    Featuring current topics in cancer genomics research and news and updates from CCG.
  • CGH Spotlight
    A blog from the Center for Global Health that features content and images that showcase their work.
  • Dialogue on Disparities
    A blog from the Center for Cancer Health Equity (CCHE). Find the latest updates, spotlights, and news from CCHE.
  • NCI Bottom Line
    This grantee-focused blog covers the latest on NCI’s fiscal landscape, funding decisions, grants policy news, processes, and more.
  • NCI-CONNECTions: A Rare Brain and Spine Tumor Blog
    A blog from the Comprehensive Oncology Network Evaluating Rare CNS Tumors. Find news and information on advances in rare brain and spine tumor research, treatment, and education from our experts.
  • RAS Dialogue
    A blog from the RAS Initiative. Post comments, ask questions, and share information with RAS experts.
  • Toward Precision Cancer Surveillance
    A blog from the Surveillance Research Program in the Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences that reports on key collaborations and efforts aimed at building an increasingly powerful cancer surveillance infrastructure.


  • CCR Milestones
    An annual publication that highlights some of the top cancer research milestones that Center for Cancer Research investigators have reached in the last year.
  • DCCPS International Global Health Activities
    Provides updates, highlights, and accomplishments related to global health activities of the Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences.
  • DCEG Linkage
    Thrice-yearly newsletter that highlights scientific advances, news, and publications from the Division of Cancer Genetics and Epidemiology.
  • DCTD Pipeline News
    Quarterly newsletter from the Division of Cancer Treatment and Diagnosis that provides updates on recent program activities, initiatives, announcements, funding opportunities, staff highlights, meetings, and publications.
  • EGRP Cancer Epidemiology News
    A monthly e-newsletter from the Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences, Epidemiology and Genomics Program featuring information about funding opportunities, grantsmanship, research resources, and other relevant news.
  • Scientific News from NCI’s Behavioral Research Program
    Highlights scientific advances by grantees and provides information about training opportunities, research tools, and events sponsored by the Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences, Behavioral Research Program.
  • The National Cancer Plan's (NCP) Updates
    A monthly newsletter that includes NCP news, activities, and collaborations across the cancer community.
  • The Poster
    Quarterly newsletter from NCI at Frederick (primarily for employees and contractors) featuring information about research and outreach activities.