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DCB Funding Opportunity and Grants-Related Resources

The NCI Division of Cancer Biology (DCB) provides public resources related to notices of funding opportunities (NOFOs) and NCI grant policies to cancer researchers. 

NIH Data Management and Sharing (DMS) Policy Resources

New Grantee Workshop 

DCB offers an annual workshop for new and early-stage investigators to familiarize them with the processes and standards of DCB, NCI and NIH. It is designed for DCB grantees who have received their first independent NIH grant within the last year. 

It includes breakout sessions with DCB Program Directors and a seminar from an NCI-funded mid-career cancer researcher.

Below is the agenda and the presentations from the January 2024 Workshop (posted with permission from each author; please do not use without consent):

Session 1: The NCI and Your New Investigator Grant

Session 2: Supporting Your Team and Expanding Your Research Enterprise 

Session 3: Review, Renew, and Promote Your Science

Questions about the workshop should be directed to Dr. Joanna Watson.

May 30, 2024

American Society for Cell Biology (ASCB) Meet the Funders Webinar with NCI
Slides for the "Funding Opportunities at the NCI Division of Cancer Biology" presentation by Dr. Lillian Kuo.

April 5 - 10, 2024

2024 American Association of Cancer Research (AACR) Meeting

NOFO Title(s) NOFO Number(s) Webinar Date Webinar Materials
Human Tumor Atlas (HTA) Research Centers (U01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) RFA-CA-23-039 11/09/2023 webinar slides, recording, and FAQs
Mechanisms of Fusion-Driven Oncogenesis in Childhood Cancers (U01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) & 
Next Generation Chemistry Centers for Fusion Oncoproteins (UM1 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
RFA-CA-23-036 & RFA-23-037 08/11/2023 webinar slidesrecording, and FAQs
Cancer Immunoprevention Network (CIP-Net) ​Research Projects (UG3/UH3 Clinical Trials Not Allowed) RFA-CA-23-029 05/18/2023 webinar recording

Cancer Tissue Engineering Collaborative: Enabling Biomimetic Tissue-Engineered Technologies for Cancer Research (R01 Clinical Trial Optional)

PAR-19-113 & PAR-22-099 09/13/2016 webinar slides

"Getting a Grant from the NCI" Webinar

On April 21, 2022, Dr. Dan Gallahan (the Director of DCB) was joined by Drs. Joanna Watson (DCB Branch Chief), Amy Rubinstein (Review Branch Chief at the NIH Center for Scientific Review), and Shannon Hughes (DCB Deputy Director) for a special virtual session on NCI grant policies. It covered considerations for new and experienced applicants, as well as information about peer review.

Session Overview

Meet the Experts: Getting a Grant from the NCI

Meet the Experts: Getting a Grant from the NCI

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