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New on NCI’s Websites for May 2016

, by NCI Staff

NCI constantly publishes new information on its websites, so periodically we provide updates on new content of interest to the cancer community.

Blue Ribbon Panel Selected to Help Guide the National Cancer Moonshot Initiative

On April 4, NCI announced a Blue Ribbon Panel of scientific experts, cancer leaders, and patient advocates that will provide the presidentially appointed National Cancer Advisory Board with expert advice on the vision, proposed scientific goals, and implementation of the National Cancer Moonshot Initiative.

And on April 18, NCI announced the launch of an online platform that the public can use to submit research ideas for the Blue Ribbon Panel to consider. Learn more about how to get involved in the Moonshot Initiative.

NCI Researchers Testing Cancer Vaccine for Chordoma Patients

Researchers in NCI’s Center for Cancer Research are conducting a phase II clinical trial for adult patients with inoperable chordoma, a type of bone cancer. Patients who are scheduled to undergo radiation therapy will be randomly assigned to receive a yeast-based vaccine that targets a protein called brachyury or a placebo injection.

New Resource for Parents Who Have a Child with Cancer

This new web page provides information that can help parents and siblings of children with cancer cope when a child is being treated. It answers questions that both parents and children may have. It also includes tips to help children in treatment cope with physical and emotional changes they may experience.

New SEER Data Released

NCI’s Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) Program has released its most recent data on cancer incidence and mortality. The SEER database now covers a 40-year period, from 1973 to 2013, and provides incidence and population data by age, sex, race, year of diagnosis, and geographic area. View the current edition of the SEER Cancer Statistics Review (CSR) for the most recent cancer incidence, mortality, survival, prevalence, and lifetime risk statistics.

New Images Added to Visuals Online

Breast cancer cell dividing, as seen using microscope.

A dividing breast cancer cell.

Credit: National Cancer Institute / Univ. of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute

More than 80 new microscopy images are now available for public download. These images were collected as part of the 2016 NCI Cancer Close Up project, which sought spectacular microscopy photographs of cancer-related cells, tissues, and molecules that colorfully illustrate the research being conducted by NCI-designated cancer centers.

Kidney and Renal Pelvis Cancer: Did You Know? Video

Did you know that death rates from kidney and renal pelvis cancer have remained steady, while new diagnoses are on the rise? A new video explains the different types of kidney and renal pelvis cancers, risk factors, and which groups have experienced increased rates for these cancers.

Information on Delirium

This new page addresses delirium as a side effect of cancer treatment. It describes the types and potential causes of delirium and offers guidance on ways to treat it.

New Drug Information Summaries Added

Four new drug information summaries have been added to the NCI website.

  • Melphalan and melphalan hydrochloride are both approved to treat multiple myeloma. Melphalan is also approved to treat ovarian epithelial cancer.
  • Defibrotide sodium is approved to treat hepatic veno-occlusive disease in patients who also have kidney or lung problems after a stem cell transplant.
  • Venetoclax (Venclexta™) is approved to treat patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia whose tumors have a specific genetic alteration.

Relaxation Tips for Cancer Patients

Many people with cancer have found that doing relaxation or imagery exercises helps them cope with pain and stress. A new page in the Coping with Cancer section offers helpful tips and suggestions on learning to relax.

PDQ Summaries Updated

NCI’s PDQ® cancer information summaries are frequently updated. You can subscribe to receive email notifications about newly updated summaries for health professionals. The following PDQ summaries are among those recently updated:

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The Cancer Community's Next Steps for the Moonshot Initiative

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Venetoclax Approved for Some Patients with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia

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